Grace Presbyterian Church expresses grateful thanks to past, present and future donors of major gifts, bequests and endowments. Their thoughtful contemplation of our church’s future needs, and their generous commitment to extend their faith, influence and support beyond their lifetimes is sincerely appreciated. Thank you for leaving a legacy.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
(1 Peter 4.10)
““What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
—Lin-Manuel Miranda, playwright
Future donors and life gift contributors
This list includes those who have notified the church of their future intentions. Anonymous, Elizabeth (Betty) Adams, Joan Larsen, Don & Sharon Lyons, Maryanne Sanchez, Reta Wilcox, Betsy Williams
Past legacy donors
June Allen, Earl & Judy Bardin, Frances Baugh, Dorothy & Thornton Beall, Hazel Bearss, Carol Bergesen, Dulcie Blume, Marjorie Bradley, Max & Gene Brewen, Joyce Call, Richard Carll, Charles Smith & Marion Cramer, Dorothy Crawford, Emil Danielson, Warren Eukel, Carl & Betty Fisher, Jeff & Fran Foster, Florence & Archie Furr, Dorothy Gans, Janyce Gerber, Charles & Irene Guntz, Kay Hatch, Johnson Family Fund, Eleana Lass, Paul Martina, Harvey McCammon, Jackie McConnell, Mabel Milhan, Ginnie Millson, Renate Owen, H. Marshall Pitney, Charie Reid, William Sargent, Charles & Marjorie Schlegel, Dorothy Stacey, Gordon Studebaker, Jean Surdyk, Bea Tillotson, Heidi Wagner, Victoria Young, Dorothy Wanamaker
How to give a gift, bequest, or endowment
Together with your personal advisors you create any documents that make Grace Presbyterian Church a beneficiary. We can also put you in touch with a representative of the Presbyterian Foundation who is available for consultation. The Presbyterian Foundation offers Charitable Trusts. These advisors can acquaint you with the tax benefits which may be achieved through careful advance planning.
A Gift is a voluntary transfer of an item of value — cash, securities, real estate, insurance policies — without consideration, made during one’s lifetime. It can be made for general purposes ( undesignated, or unrestricted, meaning the church can determine the best use) or designated for a certain purpose.
A Bequest, or Legacy, is a voluntary transfer of an item of value, without consideration, left in a will and received from an estate or trust. Such gifts can also be designated or undesignated. One broad designation is endowment.
An Endowment is a gift wherein the principal is invested and the income from the investment is distributed according to the intent of the donor. Grace Presbyterian Church’s Endowment Fund was established in 1992. Within our Endowment Fund are nine different categories so that donors can designate support to certain areas of work at Grace Church. Examples: Music, Mission,
Capital Projects.
A Charitable Trust is an investment opportunity that pays income during your lifetime, with assets passing to the church upon your death. Grace Church offers various charitable trust plans and charitable gift annuities through the Presbyterian Foundation.
Estate Planning and Planned Giving are general terms which refer to planning in advance with advisors and may include any of the options listed above. Planned Giving may be able to improve the tax position of donors and their heirs.